When the ROYAL BANK of CANADA (RBC) successfully modernizes its Mainframe thanks to MOVE Solutions and a project involving international teams:

From May 22 to 24, the modernized Mainframe IS of the ROYAL BANK of CANADA (RBC) was switched into production, which involved two complete insurance application sections implemented by the bank.

The range of modernization tools developed by MOVE Solutions and available in its FAKTORY – analysis of application assets, mapping, converters, emulators, mass transformation utilities – enabled the teams of CAP GEMINI India and Canada to effectively support RBC Bank for its transition from IS Mainframe z/VSE to MicroFocus Enterprise Server under Windows.

The modernization thus focused on a very significant heritage/legacy of more than 6,500 Programs (Easytrieve, COBOL, TP Transactions, VSAM file and Batch) to ultimately bring a logically very significant Value created for the Client.