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Data archiving



As part of the modernization of their information systems, all AGIRC ARRCO supplementary pension institutions have migrated to the new Community system, Usine Retraite, with the help of Move Solutions.

The old systems  have been decommissioned. However, it was necessary to keep the data accessible for consultation in order to comply with legal obligations and to ensure access to historical data.


Description of the solution

The AGIRC ARRCO federations have chosen the Move Solutions Recode DataLake suite as Archiving and Consultation solution, which provides an archiving system for data in various formats such as databases, files, documents and display them in a close format to the one they were displayed in the original application.

Recode DataLake is a secure intranet portal based on licence free components.

The implementation is very fast, industrial, economical and scalable.


Means used (and duration)

Recode DataLake solution and project team. Implementation from 3 to 6 months depending on the size of the decomissionned applications.


Results reached

The AGIRC ARRCO federations were able to decommission the old systems and make savings while ensuring data retention and access.