Industrial development of software interfaces


The implementation of a new application, the integration of a software package or the change of execution platform of a system require the implementation of interfaces between the different software components.

Interfaces can be synchronous or asynchronous, supported by different technologies but always have in common to allow the exchange of formatted data between two applications or systems.

Implementation of interfaces is quite similar to the realization of a data migration but which would be perpetuated in production with an increased need to guarantee the integrity of the data of a subsystem and to perfectly manage the rejections and the prioritization rules for updating referential information.

Realization of interfaces is often on the critical path of the project. It is therefore crucial to optimize and secure this part of the project.

Our Offer

Our technology allows you to quickly generate and evolve Batch interfaces (or Webservices) and optimizes the load and the integration time of your new application components.

Our Workshop-Tools allow you to manage the descriptions of the expected data formats and the transformation and control rules, then to generate programs or APIs in webservices.

The framework integrates the production of logs, the management of rejections, the prioritization of update rules and the automation of the replay of manual corrections on flows.

Our industrial approach makes it possible to deliver interfaces very quickly and to take into account changes in data formats or rules without delay.

Le produit fini est plus fiable et disponible plus rapidement.

Our Tools

Our way of approaching Projects with the bias of providing them with strong tools, allows us to move towards the automation of a large number of operations.

In order to achieve these results, we rely on the modules of our RECODE DATA suite, which allow in particular to audit data, make it reliable, transform it, increase control of the perimeters to be processed and provide refunds (numerous dashboards are ready to measure the progress of construction sites, to share and educate anomalies, to validate the transformation rules and to qualify from start to finish the migration chain…), all essential to carry out the Projects successfully.



  • Implementation of a new application
  • Integration of a software package
  • Application bus (Interfacing of several software)
  • Implementation of inter-software mediation layers
  • Change of execution platform
  • Modernization


Our technology allows us to intervene in all technical environments:

Operating Systems MVS, UNIX, Linux, WINDOWS, AS400

Business Cases

Business Cases

Logo de SAB (Version petit rectangle)
Banking software publisher - Toolmaker partnership
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Logo Banque Palatine
Interfaces and integration layer SAB - O2S Harvest
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